Truly Captivating Website Design in Australia

Entice potential customers from the moment they land on your website with our custom-build websites. Every website is custom-built, meaning no cookie-cutter designs or content, helping you stand out from the crowd and win new business.

With our Australian web design and development services, you’ll be tapping into the latest technology. This means long-term results, helping improve your search engine optimise and improve the effectiveness of your paid ads too. Contact us now for a complimentary consultation.

People First Stadium Website Rebuild

How Our Web Design Agency Is Changing the Game

For too long, website agencies have treated website builds like a cookie-cutter service, despite knowing their importance for businesses. This is why we have found what works and what doesn’t, only adopting technology that benefits you, the businesses we support, and your growth.

Reason #1 to work with Digital Surfer

Australian-Based Writers

Your content is a big part of how successful your website will be for your business. We only use Australian-based writers who are experts in creating enticing content to lead your website visitors to get in touch or buy from your online store.

Reason #2 to work with Digital Surfer

Award-Winning SEO Specialists

As a multi-talented agency, our websites go through SEO checks to ensure they are as ready for search engines as they can be. From heading structure and meta data to ensuring you have proper linking structure, we get the green light in all areas before you go live.

Reason #3 to work with Digital Surfer

Data-Driven Designs

The right colours, positioning and structure can be a make or break for your website. We use industry, audience and design trends to ensure your website looks and works the way it does for a specific reason, not just because it looks good.

Unique, Custom Web Designs to Drive Sales & Leads

Like our lead web designer and developer always says, “If it’s not growing your business, what’s the point?” This is why every website we build is custom built, ensuring your site appeals to your specific audience and highlights what’s unique about your business. It’s why the businesses we work with are able to expand their business by millions of dollars, growing their team, locations and living their dream lifestyle.

Being custom means we can bring to life the website you’ve always dreamed of, as well as give you everything you need to take on your competitors in the search engine results. This is particularly important for medical, financial, legal and other ‘your-money-or-your-life’ industries.That level of care is why we’re rated 5 stars on Google by more than 40 of our clients.

SUNS Hospitality Website Design

We Design Functional & Mobile Responsive Websites

Web Design Portfolio

How Our Web Design Company Can Help You

Whatever type of website you need, our Australian web design company can help you with an effective site to grow your business. Sell online, build a stunning site or stick to something simple — we can do it all.

Custom Web Design

Every website at Digital Surfer is a custom build, optimised to your specific audience and what will help you grow. We only use the latest technology and code to ensure fast load times and smooth user experience, increasing your chances of ranking and winning new business.

eCommerce Web Design

eCommerce web designs can be complex. They need to balance online store technology, search engine optimisation, user experience and more, all essential parts of building an effective website that helps to level up your business.

Simple (But Effective) Web Design

Sometimes all you need is a simple, effective web design to get you found online. Maybe you don’t want to sell products online, or have many products or services, so a smaller website is what will get you found. This is where we can help ensure small still means powerful.

Website Design Australia

Our Awards & Partnerships

Australian Web Design Backed By Technology to Help You Level Up Your Business

There’s more to building a website than putting some pretty pictures and content on a page and hoping for the best. A good web design considers who your audience are and how to make their experience on your site as easy as possible, making them more likely to buy or contact you. By focusing on user-experience data and what makes people happy, and more importantly, what makes them click, we can help your website level up your business and revenue.

At Digital Surfer, our Australian web designers, developers and content writers utilise advanced user-experience and optimisation technology to ensure your website is appealing to both its visitors and search engines. By cross-skilling every person involved in the website build in search engine optimisation, we are helping ensure your business is setup for success from the moment your site goes live.

Essential Utilities Corporation After

Work With the Best Web Development Company — Or So Our Clients Call Us

Frequently Asked Web Design Questions

Why is web design important?

Web design is important as it is the first impression a customer gets of your business. A good website design can help increase your sales, improve your visibility and even make your paid ads more effective. It takes into account how someone navigates your site, how it looks on different devices (like mobile or desktop computer), the size of text and images, button placement, colouring and more.

Poor web design can lead to a loss of trust with your site visitors, resulting in less sales or enquiries, a drop in search engine visibility and your ads producing a weaker return on investment. This is why it’s important to have a professional web designer structure and design your website to ensure your site is doing what it is meant to do to get you new business.

How much does it cost to design and develop a website?

The average cost to design and develop a website in Australia is $5,000 to $10,000. However, the price of a web build depends on the type of website you need, the size, specific features and the level of skill of the web builder. For example, a simple, 5-page website with no frills would cost less than an eCommerce website with dozens of products.

When measuring the cost of building a website, you should also take into account ongoing costs, like search engine optimisation and maintenance. Properly maintaining your website will help keep it secure and running as it should, while SEO (or search engine optimisation) is essential if you want to be found on search engines. These are services to ask your web design agency if they can provide for you once your website is complete.

What is responsive web design, and why is it important?

A responsive web design ensures a website can be used easily on any device by automatically adjusting content and elements to fit the screen it’s being viewed on. Having a responsive website is very important as it ensures visitors can easily use your site on any device, like their mobile phone or desktop computer, helping them be able to contact and buy from you. If your website is not responsive, the images, content, and even buttons can be difficult to see and use, resulting in more people leaving your website.

Responsive web design is also an important factor for ranking well on search engines. As mobile responsive websites typically load faster and more accurately and provide a better user experience, Google, Bing and other search engines look favourably on them. This will help increase your visibility on relevant search engine results, driving more people to your website.

How can I maintain and update my website after it's built?

Maintaining and updating your website is important after its built as it ensures it remains secure and works well. Some of the top ways to maintain your website include:

  • Ensuring your website platform is always up to date.
  • Keeping your website plug-ins up to date.
  • Checking your site for user experience errors.
  • Updating your content regularly.
  • Inspecting your data to ensure you’re growing.
  • Performing A/B tests for optimisation.
  • Aligning your design and content to new trends.
  • Improving your search engine optimisation.
  • Ensuring SSL certificate is up to date.

And more. By keeping your website up to date and maintained, you’re helping ensure a safe, smooth user experience for your clients and customers, helping to increase your sales and leads.

Should I use stock images or create custom visuals for my website?

Custom images or photography is always better on a website than stock images. Using stock images can make your website feel generic, and they also don’t do anything to show your business, while custom images do just that.

If you do need to use stock images, source high-quality, authentic-looking photos. Stock images can sometimes look very staged or artificial, so the more natural they are, the better for your business. When using stock images, you also need to ensure you have the right to use them in marketing, like on your website. This isn’t a given for all stock images and can land you in trouble if you’re not careful.

No Matter Your Location We Can Build Your Dream Website

DS Level Up

Your Business With Digital Surfer

Ready to get started building a functional website that actually converts?

We’re ready to start building. Call us or fill out our form and one of our expert web specialists will get in touch to discuss the first steps on your way to Levelling Up your business website.