Your Digital Marketing Agency In Sydney

Sydney is one of the most competitive landscapes in Australia for businesses. This means if you’re trying to get to the top of your industry, grow your business or just level up in general, you’re fighting tooth and nail every step of way — unless you have our help, that is.

With our Sydney digital marketing agency team behind you, you can scale your business goals time and time again, with marketing that grows with you. Discover how we can help you too.

Digital Marketing Agency

One of the Best Sydney Digital Agencies With The Awards To Prove It

We aren’t the oldest. We’re not the cheapest, nor the most expensive. We’re not the largest and we’re not the smallest. But what we are is an incredibly hard-working, talented team of digital marketing experts who have taken home some of the biggest awards in SEO, SEM and more. It’s through our values that we strive for each and every day that allow us to deliver the results Sydney businesses need to get to that next level.

Reason #1 to work with Digital Surfer


It is our responsibility to be on top of the latest research-backed digital marketing trends and best practices to be able to advise you on what you need to do to come out on top.

Reason #2 to work with Digital Surfer


When you meet your goals, we want to take you that one step further time and time again. If you dream it, we can put in a strategy to get you there, evolving your marketing with you.

Reason #3 to work with Digital Surfer


Our goal is growth and nothing short of it. Not only do we want you to see graphs with upward trends and numbers in the green, but we want you to see revenue growth too.

Digital Marketing Services in Sydney That Make You Money

As digital marketing experts in Sydney who value your bottom line and growth, we only work with tools and platforms that help make you money. Whether that’s using your website to get rid of timewasters and increase enquiries or using SEO, ads and other marketing to get those people to your site, we look at your campaign as one big unit, not separate services. This is our secret to how we get the results we do for our Sydney clients.

Paid Ads

Paid ads are one of the number one lead generators — but it can also be one of the biggest downfalls of many businesses. Our paid ads specialists optimise ads to not only get you leads and sales, but for a lower price, giving you more results.

Search Engine Optimisation

Is your website lost in the depths of Google and Bing? Skip the jargon and DIY courses, and just speak to the experts. Our SEO experts will get you found in the right search engine results, helping you increase the number of people finding your website.

Web Design

Your website is the key to success online. With the majority of consumers only choosing businesses with a website these days, we can help you build a site that is easy to find, use and buy from to help you grow your business.

eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce marketing is a whole other kettle of fish when it comes to digital marketing. With our eCommerce experts, we can help you increase your sales or get setup with a store to help you increase your business’s revenue.

The Sydney Online Marketing Agency Who Focuses on Your Growth, Not Just Clicks

What good are eyes on your website, even clicks, if they’re not helping you actually grow your business in the long run? With your Digital Surfer digital marketing strategist by your side, you’ll be able to plot exactly what you want to achieve in the next 12, 24, 36+ months and know exactly how digital marketing is going to get you there. We look after the campaign creation, monitoring and adjustments to align with these goals so you can just reap the rewards.

For Business Owners

Is your business growing but not quite fast enough? Do you want to get to that next million in revenue sooner rather than later? Are you planning on opening a new location or expanding your team? Get the revenue you need through digital marketing built to get you leads, make sales and get results.

For Marketing Managers

Give your marketing plan the boost it needs with our experts in web design, paid ads, search engine optimisation and eCommerce marketing. We work with your team to level up your online presence and leads, making you look incredible when you submit your reports to the busines’s owner.

Our Awards & Partnerships

Case Studies — Our Sydney Marketing Services in Action

Discover the results we have achieved for some of our clients, helping them to expand into new locations, grow their team and bring on more revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Marketing in Sydney

How much do digital marketing agencies in Sydney charge?

Digital marketing agencies in Sydney will charge anywhere from $300 a month to $10,000+ a month. The cost of your digital marketing through an agency will depend on the type of marketing, the expertise of the agency, what you’re willing to invest and the results you’re looking to achieve. For example, if you are wanting to run lead generation ads on search engines or social media, you would be looking at a higher-cost package than if you were just wanting some brand visibility. The same goes if you are a smaller business versus a larger business or one with a number of locations.

At Digital Surfer, we customise every single digital marketing package in Sydney. To us, no good marketing campaign is the same as another, so every campaign is unique and quoted as such. Contact our Sydney internet marketing agency to discuss how we can help you level up your business.

Are digital agencies worth it?

For businesses or marketing managers who do not have the time or knowledge to grow their business in a particular area online, a digital agency is very worth it. Digital marketing experts not only help you create campaigns, websites or content, and help you get results, but they can also help you save money overall on your marketing costs, while improving your return. This gives you more budget to invest back into your business’s growth and marketing, giving you even more results. 

However, choosing the right digital agency for your business is key to if they will be worth it for your business. If you are a newer business with limited funds looking to save time, a lower-cost agency may be for you. But if you are a business owner really looking to maximise your growth and have the investment to spend, go for the agency who can back up their claim with case studies, reviews and examples of their work.

How do I choose a digital agency?

When choosing a digital agency, you’ll want to consider:

  • What digital marketing services you need and they provide.
  • How they communicate with you and how that works for your business.
  • Their reputation, including online reviews, awards, etc.
  • Your goals and how they can help you with that.
  • Businesses they have worked with that are similar (or areas they specialise). 

The digital agency you choose should suit your business and goals, aligning with what it is you’re trying to achieve, whether that’s increase your online visibility, receive more enquiries, make more sales or even improve your online reputation.

Level Up Your Business In The Most Competitive Locations

At Digital Surfer, we specialise in helping businesses in the main metropolitan areas, like Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne not only compete but become a powerhouse in their industry.

DS Level Up

Your Business With Digital Surfer

Ready to get started? Good, because so are we!

Simply let us know your details or give us a call to talk about your business goals and how we can help you achieve them.