Social Media & Google Ads Agency in Sydney Helping More Businesses Become Millionaires

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, paid ads are not a nice-to-have, they’re essential. As an award-winning social media and Google Ads agency in Sydney, we hand you the potential customers and clients you need to reach your goals through advanced PPC strategies tried, tested and loved by countless businesses just like yours.

Start the next step in levelling up your business with a free consultation.

Paid Advertising Strategy

PPC Management in Sydney for Big Businesses Looking to Be Even Bigger

Paid Ads Sydney

At Digital Surfer, we only work with big businesses with serious growth goals. If you’re looking for the answer for how to reach your next million dollars, add to your team or even open new locations, then we have the solution to deliver you the results you need to get there with results-driven PPC, SEO and website management support. But this does mean we’re not the agency for every business…

One of the first questions we ask businesses is, “Are you ready for results?” Our Sydney ads specialists are known for increasing leads by more than 500+, so you need to be ready for how to accommodate more sales and business. If you’re serious about your growth, then we are serious about bringing you the results you need. Ready to grow? Let’s talk!

Take the Leap With An Award-Winning Sydney Ad Agency

We get it, taking the leap into growing your business’s online presence is scary. It’s a big investment and there are no guarantees when it comes to marketing, even with the best behind you. But it’s something you need to do if you want to reach that next million, expand your team or open a new location. These are just some of the ways we help you get those results.

User-Focused PPC Management

Psychology plays an important role in getting people to trust and use your business. By utilising consumer data, we find out what drives your ideal customer or client to buy or submit an enquiry, utilising this to make you the perfect solution to their needs.

Revenue-Growing Google Ads Management

Are you running your ads for the right product or service? To help you get the best results, we look at consumer trends to position the right products and services you offer at the right time to maximise your return on investment, leading to bigger revenue growth to level up your business.

High-Performance Social Media Advertising

Goal-driven ads are high-performance ads. We work backwards from what you hope to achieve to ensure the results we’re bringing you work to help you towards your business’s goals, whether that’s increasing your brand awareness to bringing you more leads and sales.

More Than Just Another Facebook Ads Agency in Sydney

There are dozens (potentially hundreds) of Facebook Ads agencies in Sydney. What makes us different is our approach to social media advertising. While others may be platform focused, we are results driven. If that means increasing your paid presence on TikTok, LinkedIn or Pinterest, then that’s where we put you. You’re not restricted to just one platform.

Facebook and Instagram are two of the biggest social media platforms in the world. But this means it’s highly competitive. Our Sydney social media advertising experts take the guesswork out of what will give you the best results, so you can invest your time into other areas of your now growing business.

Paid Advertising Strategy

An Ad Agency in Sydney Who Doesn’t Just Think Outside the Box — We Reinvent It

How are you meant to stand out from the crowd with cookie-cutter ads campaigns every other business is using? Our Sydney ad specialists custom build every single ads campaign with specifically-sourced data to give you a unique campaign that helps you stand out and be the one who gets the sale or lead. We pride ourselves on:

– Data-obsessed ads managers who focus on performance.
– Only using technology and AI that benefits your business.
– Transparent and open reporting and guidance.

Australian-based copywriters to drive clicks.

Australian-based copywriters to drive clicks.

Time to back your growth with marketing that works? Request your comprehensive consultation today.

Our Awards & Partnerships

Case Studies Showing How We Can Increase Your Leads By 500+%

There’s a reason our team has taken home some of the biggest digital marketing awards in Australia! Browse our case studies of real-life businesses we have helped get big results to fulfil big dreams and goals!

Frequently Asked Questions About Paid Ads

What does a PPC agency do?

A PPC (pay-per-click) agency creates and manages ad campaigns through online platforms, like Google, Bing, Meta and more. Using their expertise in paid advertising, they optimise ads to increase conversions and return on investment, using a variety of tools and techniques to analyse data, create content and manage ad performance.

The benefits of using a PPC agency, like Digital Surfer, is the expertise gained by using an online ads expert, growing your business, while saving you the time and hassle. Hiring a PPC agency also helps you gain a better return on investment into Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other PPC and ads platforms to generate sales and leads.

What is the difference between SEO and PPC agencies?

An SEO, or search engine optimisation, agency helps you improve your presence on organic search engine results, while a PPC, or pay-per-click, agency helps you put paid ads on search engines, social media and other ads platforms. Some digital marketing agencies may specialise in SEO or PPC, while others may do both, or even offer other digital marketing services too.

Both SEO and PPC can help drive traffic to your website, which can increase your sales and enquiries. However, SEO is considered a long-term approach and is less targeted, while PPC (also known as SEM or search engine marketing) can help you be very precise about who you’re getting in front of and when to help drive conversions. Together, they are an even more powerful tool to help you level up your business.

What is a PPC strategy?

A PPC (pay-per-click) strategy is a type of paid advertising campaign used to generate traffic where the advertiser only pays for the ad when a user clicks on the ad. The goal of paid advertising using a PPC campaign is generally to build brand awareness, or to generate sales or enquiries.

A good PPC strategy considers the goal of the business or advertiser, and involves optimising the site and landing page, bidding strategy, keyword selection and exclusion, copy and more.

Is Facebook PPC advertising?

Meta Ads, or Facebook Ads, is a paid advertising platform that uses PPC (pay-per-click) as an ad strategy. PPC on Facebook means you’re only paying for your ad when someone clicks on the ad, with how much you pay determined by your ‘bid’. Your bid is calculated on your goal and targeting preferences, as well as other user-experience factors.

Using a Facebook Ads agency will help you get the best return on investment for your PPC campaign through Meta Ads. At Digital Surfer, we utilise industry, competitor and audience data to determine the best course of action that will drive you the leads and enquiries you need to level up and grow your business.

Level Up Your Business In The Most Competitive Locations

At Digital Surfer, we specialise in helping businesses in the main metropolitan areas, like Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne not only compete but become a powerhouse in their industry.
DS Level Up

Your Business With Digital Surfer

Ready to get started? Good, because so are we!Simply let us know your details or give us a call to talk about your business goals and how we can help you achieve them.