How SEO Became More Important Than Ever In the Transition Working Remotely

by | Search Engine Optimisation

2020 came with many problems, but most of all in the ways it’s affected our businesses. Even up to the present day, the transition to remote work and relying on online impressions rather than in-person impressions meant that a lot of people had to reconsider their business and what they were doing.

Studies have identified that there have been three main areas that people have had to reexamine in order to keep their businesses found online, which in turn has resulted in a greater importance being placed on quality SEO.

Factors influencing the importance of SEO are:


Otherwise known as budget. When COVID hit, many businesses had to take a step back and assess where their money was going, since customers were in the same boat and not spending as freely. This meant that unfortunately, things like online paid ad campaigns, or offline advertising such as print or radio, had to be put on the backburner. 

However, getting found online is still key to being found by the customers who are looking. Long term strategies such as SEO are being realised as crucial to the success of your business.


Content has always been critical to the online process, however now it’s more important than ever. Google looks favourably on fresh content, so adding new pages or blogs (with useful information – don’t just add content for the sake of it) will really tell the search engines to sit up and take notice. 

Not only that, we’re all adding extra content right now about delayed shopping times or cleanliness procedures in store. These tap into ideas and information that a lot of people are looking for right now, so by answering those questions you’re giving your own site a boost.

Your Offer

COVID and all of the shutdowns have forced everyone to re-examine their priorities and their offerings. For some, this had meant a pivot into services such as telehealth, for others this has meant opening an online store. In either case, this means both additional content and a new SEO strategy,

Unfortunately, though the practice of quality organic SEO has been around for many years, it’s taken a while for many business owners to realise its importance. After all, it’s rare to find a mid or large size company with a dedicated SEO strategist employed in house – and they generally don’t employ an agency either.

How can your online strategy perform at it’s best unless you have someone who understands the ins and outs of the industry and knows exactly what to look for and adjust to get you the best results?

It’s more important now than ever to put in the hard work to solidify your online presence through SEO. Customers aren’t able to go visit the stores they’re used to, so if they can’t find your website that business is lost.

Whether you hire someone to do your SEO, or do it yourself (we offer a DIY Couse to get you underway, in fact) there’s no arguing that it’s time to get started. Contact our team today to discuss your SEO needs and start getting found online.


Article Written & Reviewed By:

Brodie McGrath

Brodie is a passionate SEO specialist with a background and special interests in content writing for the web and e-commerce strategies. She is dedicated to helping businesses excel through unique strategies tailored to meet and exceed their goals. Brodie holds a Graduate Certificate in Marketing and has completed a range of non-accredited industry courses. She also stays current with industry changes by attending conferences and seminars, ensuring her knowledge is applied effectively to achieve outstanding results for her clients.
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